Fresno Awarded AeroMexico Station of the Year


FSS is very proud to report that AeroMexico has named our Fresno (FAT) station the "Station of the Year" award for 2021.The award, based on KPI (Key Performance Indicators, operational metrics, customer surveys, and of course safety) was presented to our team on May 19th, 2021, in a special event at the Fresno Airport. FSS provides full ground handling for AeroMexico in Fresno, CA. Our team received an overall metric rating of 4.8 for the entire year out of a possible perfect score of 5.0.

Pictured above is FSS Fresno General Manager Rhett Williams, Ivette - AeroMexico Director of International Stations, Margarita - Station Manager for AeroMexico in Fresno, FSS CEO/COO Phil Armstrong, and Raul the AeroMexico Regional Manager of US Operations.

We are very proud of Rhett Williams and his team in Fresno. Congratulations!!!