FSS Milestone Anniversaries - June 2021

FSS would like to recognize and say "thank you" to our employees who have been with us throughout the years. Celebrating milestone anniversaries in June are: 

15+ Years

  • Nikollaq Dishnica - BOS - 17 years
  • Karl Rodriquez - SEA - 17 years
  • Kleanthi Alabaku - BOS - 16 years
  • Moises Jackson - BOS - 15 years
  • Laurence McLarty - BOS - 15 years

10+ Years

  • Sahle Namaga - BOS - 13 years

5+ Years

  • Andon Manaj - BOS - 8 years
  • Joseph Dimafu Kashala - DFW - 8 years
  • Adam Cornett - BOS - 7 years
  • Henry Nwacke - DFW - 6 years
  • Floresha Cako - BOS - 5 years
  • Margarita Likaj - BOS - 5 years
  • Prince Omerc - BOS - 5 years
  • Getachew Tesema - BOS - 5 years
  • Thomas Mitchell - PWM - 5 years