Aviation Safety - F.O.D. Walks

San Antonio International Airport (SAT) Ramp
Agents preform a F.O.D. walk before an arrival
At Flight Services & Systems (FSS), our Ramp Agents conduct what’s called a F.O.D. walk. F.O.D. stands for Foreign Object Debris and can cause havoc for an aircraft.

FSS agents are always on the lookout for trash and picking up anything they find. Pre-arrival F.O.D. walks are conducted 10 minutes before arrival. These walks aren’t done any sooner in case wind or other outside factors shift F.O.D. on the ramp area. Before the aircraft, it’s a total team effort as all agents are outside participating and provide an even spread of the ramp area.

Pre-departure F.O.D. walks are mandatory and are conducted after all equipment has been removed and closed. These walks are conducted 10 minutes before departure. Again, it’s a total team effort as our agents walk on the engine ingestion areas.

Any F.O.D. that’s found is properly disposed of in designated F.O.D. containers.